Perl Projects in Israel
These are Perl projects and CPAN modules either developed by Israelis or otherwise related to Israel:
- Arch-Magic is a GNU Arch infrastructure in Perl that currently includes 4 projects: arch-perl, a Perl class library for the Arch revision control system; ArchZoom, a web-based Arch repository browser; axp, Arch eXtension Platform, a command line tool; and ArchWay, an advanced GUI for Arch. Maintained and developed by Mikhael Goikhman.
- tv_grab_il was a script to download Israeli tv listings (in hebrew), intended to be part of the xmltv project. Maintained and developed by Jason Friedman.
- Perlilog is a command-line tool which generates Verilog modules from a set of files, which come in several other formats. Maintained and developed by Eli Billauer.
- Eobj ("Easy Objects") is a Perl programming environment. Maintained and developed by Eli Billauer.
- Mila - A Knowledge Center for processing Hebrew. Maintained and developed by Shlomo Yona.
- CPANTS database - was a Web front-end for the CPANTS database. Now part of CPANTS itself. Maintained by Gabor Szabo.
- FriBidi - A free implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm. By Dov (Peter) Grobgeld.
- SendSMS - Send SMS messages using the web sites of the 4 cell-phone providers in Israel. By Nadav Har'el.
- Send SMS (Israel) - Another SMS sending project, built on the core of Nadav Har'el script. By Alon Altman.
- Perl Beginners' Site - The unofficial Perl Beginners' Site. By Shlomi Fish.
- Tracert was a database of public traceroute gateways with a tool to run them from one central location. By Gabor Szabo.
- Merge - A Perl/HTML/SQL embedded scripting tool. By Oded Reznik (see also the CPAN module below).
- RUI had The goal of the Remote User Interface is to allow desktop software to display on remote desktops, for popular server programming language/GUI framework combinations, and for popular client platforms. By Ran Eilam.
- FVWM Perl library - A Perl library that makes creating FVWM modules in Perl possible and easy. By Mikhael Goikhman.
- Stas Bekman is one of the co-authors of Practical mod_perl, and the originator of the mod_perl guide.
- Chiq Chaq is a Wiki for regular people. By Yonat Sharon.
- The Gimp Automated Testing Framwork - an (old) automated testing framework for the GIMP image manipulation program. By Shlomi Fish.
- Latemp - a static site generator for static or semi-static HTML pages, based on Website Meta Language. By Shlomi Fish.
- Podius was a free software content management and web-publishing system. By Mikhael Goikhman.
CPAN Authors and Modules
AMOSS - Amos Shapira
EILARA - Ran Eilam
- Aspect (originally by Marcel Grünauer)
- Games-TMX-Parser
- MooseX-Role-Listenable
- XUL-Node
FELIXL - Felix Liberman
GAAL - Gaal Yahas
GENIE - Goldin Evgeny
IDOPEREL - Ido Perlmuter
- Abilities
- Brannigan
- Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Abilities
- Catalyst-View-Tenjin
- DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Markup-Unified
- Dancer-Session-MongoDB
- Dancer-Template-Tenjin
- Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-IDOPEREL
- Entities
- Giddy
- Homer
- Leyland
- Lingua-EN-Titlecase-Simple
- Locale-Wolowitz
- Markup-Unified
- McBain
- McBain-WithGearmanXS
- McBain-WithPSGI
- McBain-WithWebSocket
- McBain-WithZeroMQ
- MongoDBx-Class
- MongoDBx-KeyValue
- MorboDB
- Net-Server-ZMQ
- Plack-App-MCCS
- Plack-Middleware-PyeLogger
- Plack-Session-Store-MongoDB
- Pye
- Pye-MongoDB
- Pye-SQL
- Svsh
- Tenjin
- Text-SpanningTable
- WWW-Postmark
ISAAC - Issac Goldstand
MIGO - Mikhael Goikhman
NUFFIN - Yuval Kogman (uploads - not all were originated or are presently maintained by him)
- Algorithm-Dependency-Objects
- AnyEvent-Kanye
- App-Git-SitePerl
- App-PersistentSSH
- B-Hooks-XSUB-CallAsOp
- B-OPCheck
- B-XSUB-Dumber
- BerkeleyDB-Manager
- CGI-Cookie-Splitter
- Cache-Cascade
- Cache-Profile
- Cache-Ref
- Callback-Cleanup
- Catalyst-Controller-BindLex
- Catalyst-Controller-LeakTracker
- Catalyst-Model-KiokuDB
- Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication
- Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP
- Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-TypeKey
- Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIC
- Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd
- Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL
- Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles
- Catalyst-Plugin-Cache
- Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Store-FastMmap
- Catalyst-Plugin-Continuation
- Catalyst-Plugin-Images
- Catalyst-Plugin-LeakTracker
- Catalyst-Plugin-Params-Nested
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Defaults
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-DynamicExpiry
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-PerUser
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBI
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Memcached
- Catalyst-Plugin-Snippets
- Catalyst-View-TT-FunctionGenerator
- Check-ISA
- Class-MethodCache
- Class-Workflow
- Config-PackageGlobal-OO
- Constant-FromGlobal
- Context-Handle
- Crypt-EAX
- Crypt-Random-Source
- Crypt-Random-Source-SSLeay
- Crypt-Random-Source-Weak-OpenSSLRand
- Crypt-Random-Source-Weak-openssl
- Crypt-Util
- DBIx-Class-Journal
- Data-Stream-Bulk
- Data-Thunk
- Data-Visitor
- Devel-ArgNames
- Devel-Events
- Devel-Events-Filter-Size
- Devel-Events-Generator-ClassPublisher
- Devel-Events-Objects
- Devel-FIXME
- Devel-Gladiator
- Devel-GlobalDestruction
- Devel-INC-Sorted
- Devel-PartialDump
- Devel-STDERR-Indent
- Devel-StringInfo
- Devel-Sub-Which
- Digest-CMAC
- Directory-Transactional
- Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-NUFFIN
- Github-Import
- Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat
- IO-Handle-Util
- JSON-RPC-Common
- KiokuDB
- KiokuDB-Backend-BDB
- KiokuDB-Backend-CouchDB
- KiokuDB-Backend-DBI
- KiokuDB-Backend-Files
- KiokuDB-Cmd
- KiokuX-Model
- KiokuX-Model-Role-Annotations
- KiokuX-User
- Lexical-SingleAssignment
- Locale-Handle-Pluggable
- Locale-Maketext-Lexicon-Slurp
- Log-Dispatch-Binlog
- Log-Dispatch-Config-TestLog
- Log-Log4perl-Layout-SimpleLayout-Multiline
- MPEG-Audio-Frame
- Magical-Hooker-Decorate
- Mail-Summary-Tools
- Method-Specialize
- Methods-CheckNames
- Module-Compile-TT
- MooseX-App-Cmd
- MooseX-AttributeHelpers
- MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct
- MooseX-Clone
- MooseX-Compile
- MooseX-Compile-CLI
- MooseX-Getopt
- MooseX-Role-TraitConstructor
- MooseX-Storage
- MooseX-Types-Authen-Passphrase
- MooseX-Types-DateTime
- MooseX-Types-Set-Object
- MooseX-Types-URI
- MooseX-Types-VariantTable
- MooseX-YAML
- Mouse
- Object-Meta-Plugin
- POE-Component-ResourcePool
- POE-Component-ResourcePool-Resource-TokenBucket
- POE-Component-Supervisor
- POE-Filter-JSON-Incr
- Package-Relative
- Pod-Wrap
- Prompt-ReadKey
- Runops-Hook
- Runops-Trace
- Scalar-Defer
- Search-GIN
- SmartMatch-Sugar
- Sub-Call-Recur
- Sub-Call-Tail
- Sub-Clone
- Sub-SmartMatch
- Task-KiokuDB
- Template-Declare-Anon
- Template-Multipass
- Template-Plugin-JSON
- Term-VT102-Boundless
- Test-TAP-HTMLMatrix
- Test-TAP-Model
- Test-TempDir
- Tie-FTP
- Tie-RefHash
- Tie-RefHash-Weak
- Tie-ToObject
- Try-Tiny
- Verby
- Verby-Action-Template
- Verby-Action-Untar
- WWW-SchneierFacts
- XML-LibXSLT-Easy
- XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental
- XS-Object-Magic
- iPod-Squish
PETERG - Peter Gordon
PRILUSKYJ - Jaime Prilusky
RAZINF - Oded S. Resnik
REUVEN - Reuven M. Lerner
ROMM - Roman M. Parparov
SEMUELF - Shmuel Fomberg
SHLOMIF - Shlomi Fish
- AI-Pathfinding-OptimizeMultiple
- Acme-CPANAuthors-Israeli
- Acme-Gosub
- Acme-MetaSyntactic-mlpfim
- App-Countdown
- App-Du-Analyze
- App-ManiacDownloader
- App-Notifier-Client
- App-Notifier-Service
- App-SVG-Graph
- App-Sky
- App-Timestamper
- App-Timestamper-Format
- App-XML-DocBook-Builder
- App-intrunningsum
- App-intsum
- Bundle-GimpTest
- Bundle-Latemp
- Bundle-QuadPres
- Bundle-Sites-BetterScm
- Bundle-Zavitan
- CGI-Application-NetNewsIface
- CPANPLUS-Dist-Fedora
- Cache
- Class-Generate
- Config-IniFiles
- Devel-LineTrace
- Digest-JHash
- Dist-Man
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Mercurial
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-TrailingSpace
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TestRun
- Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-SHLOMIF
- Error (originally by Graham Barr and later maintained by Arun Kumar U - now co-maintained by Paul Evans)
- File-Dir-Dumper
- File-Find-Object (originally by Olivier Thauvin)
- File-Find-Object-Rule
- File-Find-Object-Rule-MMagic
- File-Find-Object-Rule-VCS
- File-Format-CRD
- File-Remove
- Games-ABC_Path-Generator
- Games-ABC_Path-Solver
- Games-LMSolve
- Games-Solitaire-BlackHole-Solver
- Games-Solitaire-Verify
- Graph-Easy
- Graph-Easy-As_svg
- HTML-Latemp-GenMakeHelpers
- HTML-Latemp-NavLinks-GenHtml
- HTML-Latemp-News
- HTML-Links-Localize
- HTML-Spelling-Site
- HTML-Strip-Whitespace
- HTML-TabbedExamples-Generate
- HTML-Widgets-NavMenu
- HTML-Widgets-NavMenu-ToJSON
- IO-Socket-INET6
- Inline-Ruby
- Mail-LMLM
- Math-Cephes
- Math-FFT
- Math-GMP
- Math-GrahamFunction
- Math-RNG-Microsoft
- MediaWiki-CleanupHTML
- Module-Format
- Net-SeedServe
- Object-Declare
- PDL-Lib-Linear-Solve
- PerlIO-eol
- Pod-Weaver-Section-Support
- SDLx-Betweener
- SQ
- SVN-Pusher
- SVN-RaWeb-Light
- Spork-Shlomify
- Statistics-Descriptive (originally by Colin Kuskie)
- String-Random
- Task-BeLike-SHLOMIF
- Task-FreecellSolver-Testing
- Task-Latemp
- Task-Sites-ShlomiFish
- Task-Test-Run-AllPlugins
- Template-Preprocessor-TTML
- Template-Stash-AutoEscaping
- Term-Shell
- Test-Count
- Test-Data-Split
- Test-HTML-Recursive-DeprecatedTags
- Test-HTML-Tidy-Recursive
- Test-Run
- Test-Run-CmdLine
- Test-Run-Plugin-AlternateInterpreters
- Test-Run-Plugin-BreakOnFailure
- Test-Run-Plugin-CollectStats
- Test-Run-Plugin-ColorFileVerdicts
- Test-Run-Plugin-ColorSummary
- Test-Run-Plugin-FailSummaryComponents
- Test-Run-Plugin-TrimDisplayedFilenames
- Test-RunValgrind
- Test-TrailingSpace
- Test-WWW-Mechanize-LibXML
- Test-WWW-Mechanize-Mojo
- Test-XML-Ordered
- Text-Aligner
- Text-Format
- Text-Sprintf-Named
- Text-Table
- Text-WrapAsUtf8
- WWW-Form (originally by Benjamin Schmaus)
- WWW-LinkChecker-Internal
- WWW-Search-AOL
- WWW-Search-MSN
- WebService-Gyazo-B
- XML-Amazon
- XML-CompareML
- XML-Grammar-Fiction
- XML-Grammar-Fortune
- XML-Grammar-Fortune-Synd
- XML-Grammar-ProductsSyndication
- XML-Grammar-Vered
- XML-GrammarBase
- XML-RSS (originally by other authors. Also see the XML::RSS cleanup grant final report.)
- XML-SemanticDiff (originally by Kip Hampton)
SHLOMOY - Shlomo Yona
SMALYSHEV - Stanislav Malyshev
SZABGAB - Gabor Szabo
- Array-Unique
- Authen-PAM
- Business-PayPal
- CAM-PDF-Annot
- CGI-FileManager
- CGI-Simple
- CGI-Upload
- CPAN-Digger
- CPAN-Porters
- CPAN-Test-Dummy-SCO-Lacks
- CPAN-Test-Dummy-SCO-Missing
- CPAN-Test-Dummy-SCO-Pirated
- CPAN-Test-Dummy-SCO-Special
- CPANTestDummySCOMissing
- Class-Base
- Class-Date
- Code-Explain
- Dwimmer
- File-Open-OOP
- File-Tools
- Games-Sudoku-CLI
- Locale-Msgfmt
- Markua-Parser
- Math-RPN
- MetaCPAN-Clients
- Module-Packaged-Report
- PPIx-EditorTools
- Padre-Plugin-CommandLine
- Padre-Plugin-Kate
- Padre-Plugin-Parrot
- Padre-Plugin-Vi
- Parse-Fedora-Packages
- Parse-Functions
- Perl6-Cookbook
- Pipe
- Pipe-Tube-Csv
- Pod-Tree
- Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate
- Task-DWIM-Linux
- Task-Litmus
- Task-Munin
- Task-Test
- Term-ReadPassword
- Term-ReadPassword-Win32
- Test-CircularDependencies
- Test-Snapshots
- Text-MediawikiFormat
- Text-SmartLinks
- Text-Trac
- Time-Warp
- WWW-AdServer
- WWW-Gittip
- WWW-SmartSheet
- Web-Feed
- WebService-GData
- Acme-rafl-Everywhere
- Algorithm-Diff-Callback
- AnyEvent-EC2-Tiny
- AnyEvent-Eris
- AnyEvent-SIP
- App-Genpass
- App-UnANSI
- App-cpang
- Authorize-Rule
- Coat
- Dancer
- Dancer-Logger-ConsoleSpinner
- Dancer-Plugin-Auth-RBAC
- Dancer-Plugin-Authorize
- Dancer-Serializer-UUEncode
- Dancer-Session-JSON
- Dancer-Session-KiokuDB
- Dancer-Session-Memcached
- Dancer-Template-Tiny
- Dancer2
- Dancer2-Plugin-Ajax
- Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Tiny
- Dancer2-Plugin-ParamTypes
- Dancer2-Serializer-CBOR
- Data-Collector
- Data-PowerSet-Hash
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-EmailNotify
- Git-Flux
- HTTP-Headers-Fast-XS
- HTTP-XSHeaders
- Juno
- Log-Dispatch-Screen-Gentoo
- Module-Starter
- Module-Version
- MooseX-Role-Loggable
- Net-IPAddress-Minimal
- Net-WOT
- POE-Component-OpenSSH
- POE-Test-Helpers
- Path-Hilbert-XS
- PathTools
- Perl-Critic-Policy-ValuesAndExpressions-ProhibitSingleArgArraySlice
- Perl-Critic-Policy-Variables-ProhibitLoopOnHash
- Perlbal-Plugin-ExpandSSL
- Perlbal-Plugin-ForwardedFor
- Perlbal-Plugin-SessionAffinity
- Plack-Middleware-NoMultipleSlashes
- RBAC-Tiny
- Ref-Util
- Ref-Util-Rewriter
- Ref-Util-XS
- Search-GIN
- Storable
- Sys-HostIP
- Task-Dancer
- Template-Plugin-xkcd
- Test-DNS
- Test-Ping
- Test-SFTP
- WWW-FMyLife
- WWW-xkcd
- if
- perl
YOSEFM - Yosef Meller
SCHOP - Ariel Brosh (R.I.P.)